The creation and artistic application of sculpture works

At present, with the 30-year development of reform and opening up, China's society and economy are undergoing rapid changes, and all regions are constantly improving and beautifying the environment under the call of the Party Central Committee and the government. Sculpture plays an important role in beautifying the environment.

Sculpture is closely related to the environment, which plays an important role in the environment. Its form, location and quantity play an important role in the construction of the whole environment. Next, I will combine my own exploration and practice in sculpture art for many years, and analyze one by one from the residential area sculpture and garden sculpture.

In recent years, most places pay attention to the use of sculpture art to beautify the environment of residents, which not only reflects the obvious improvement of the quality of life and living standards of residents, but also reflects the spirit of the times. As the residential environment is different from other types of environment, it is more focused on creating a place where people are willing to communicate and full of vitality, so the sculpture should also conform to this theme. Sculpture, as the ornament of residential environment, aims to let residents find common ground in this environment and be willing to communicate with each other, rather than just as a "landscape" independent of people. Therefore, the sculpture design in the residential environment has a very important guiding significance, that is to say, the focus of the design should be to create a lively and infectious leisure and entertainment environment.

However, in some residential areas, the "pseudo classical" and "pseudo continental" style of imitating western classical sculpture is very popular. The investors of these sculptures are mostly real estate developers. They are out of the blind worship of the so-called "European style"; they are keen to show off classical and elegant culture; and they are to cater to some building buyers who are one-sided in pursuit of environmental art. To this end, they put aside the serious humanistic value contained in the original works of the European Renaissance and Classicism style, and bought some so-called "imitated western classical masterpieces" sculptures from some informal sculpture factories at a low price, and regardless of the overall environment and scale of the residential areas, they placed them indiscriminately. And those imitation sculpture factories, in order to deal with the fierce market competition, often desperately to fight for buyers. In this way, a large number of poorly shaped and rough "pseudonyms" will flood the sculpture market, and their existence will not bring the expected effect to beautify the environment. Therefore, this situation should arouse people's reflection.

In order to enhance the vitality of the residential environment, the most important thing is to attract most people to watch, touch and listen to it. Therefore, the choice of sculpture theme should be carefully considered, because the residential environment is different from other types of environment, and the key is to shape its "warm and sweet" atmosphere. This is obviously different from the bustling business environment, bright office environment, solemn government buildings and other places. Therefore, the theme of residential sculpture should be familiar, concerned and loved by people. In the creative use of sculpture, children are the best example, we can often see children climb up and down the sculpture, sculpture is often regarded as a "big toy".

Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the coordination between the sculpture design and the environment in the residential area is also very important. This not only requires the theme to be consistent with the architectural culture theme of the residential area, but also requires the sculpture scale to be coordinated with the surrounding environment.

Landscape architecture is a kind of cultural landscape with artistic and ecological characteristics constructed in a place after people's planning and design of the natural environment. The garden sculpture is a part of the overall layout of the garden and an important part of the composition of the garden. Its unique external form and inclusive connotation make it more affinity with the garden architecture, green space, trees, flowers and plants.

As a part of plastic arts, garden sculpture shows people its artistic charm with its unique language. It either brings visual impact to people with its unique image, or expresses profound meaning to people with rich connotation, or makes people imagine with abstract modeling... It is not easy to create a good garden sculpture. It requires the creator to be familiar with not only the knowledge of garden discipline, but also the knowledge of modeling, color, environment, composition and materials, as well as the profound historical, cultural and artistic background.

In recent years, people have paid more attention to garden sculpture than quantity. Sculptors and designers have a higher level of pursuit in the form, content, material and other aspects of works. Abstract sculpture with bright colors and simple shapes has become a new trend of environmental sculpture creation in recent years. The coexistence of realistic, decorative and abstract works of art greatly enriches the diversity of landscape art. So what should be paid attention to in the setting of garden sculpture? Let me talk about it from three aspects.

I. landscape sculpture should pay attention to color and light

Color and light are necessary to create atmosphere. In the environment, whether the color used in sculpture is in harmony with the surrounding environment will bring people different feelings. Placing colorful sculptures on the green lawn will bring people a striking and clear feeling. For example, placing sculptures with dim colors will bring people a heavy and simple feeling. Moreover, warm colors have a sense of expansion and movement, while cold colors have a sense of contraction and stillness, which should also be noted.

The garden sculpture is located outdoors, which is greatly influenced by the natural light.